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Tolerands--Our Bill of Romantic Rights (Continued)

On the one hand, the modern Saducees would have us indulge in any and all of the perversions of the wicked world, while on the other hand, the modern Pharisees would destroy our love life and regulate it all away, except, perhaps, for a few couplings to produce children. Clearly, a balanced, healthy, and wholesome attitude is needed here. For, while we do want to keep people away from what God has forbidden, we do not want to rob them of the liberties that God has given them to enjoy. Consequently, it was felt necessary to include this Bill of Romantic Rights to preserve the sexual liberty that God has granted us through the Holy Scriptures.

.C TOLERANDS...continued

In some case, God has provided for the free practice of some sexual activities, while in others, there are limitations or restrictions-- and in some, they are just forbidden. Therefore, it is important to know just where these lines fall (and what grey areas to stay out of), so that we will clearly know what God will allow or tolerate and what HE will not.

..1-32 Continued from previous Tolerands Article (Lust, etc.):

To get Above TOLERANDS Article (Click Here--on caps)!

the Congregational Wedding is regulated as a Religious Ritual of Our Priests. See also, Holy Covenant, under Marrital States, below--Tolerands #36.C.

See COURTSHIP AND MATCHMAKING Article, following Tolerands Section.


Despite its popularity with the Religious Establishment, holy matrimony is rarely found in the Holy Scriptures. Instead, Hebrew Culture puts forth a variety of marital states or levels:

..37 MASTURBATION: see Auto-Sexuality, above--Tolerands #3.

Generally, women need to be isolated or quarentined (or given sick-leave) during their period (Genesis 31:35; Leviticus 15:19-33). Moreover, a vacation from marital intimacy should be allowed then (Leviticus 18:19), though intercourse during the woman's period may be tolearable (Leviticus 15:24, 33). See also LAW-6.B.2.c.2 MENSTAL FLOWS under Public Sanitation.

one man having one wife is the Scriptural norm for the common man, for this was God's original creation to make the one man one woman (Genesis 2:18), when HE could have made him several. Moreover, all down through the Scriptures, the ideal wife was set in the singular, not plural (Genesis 2:22, 7:13; Matthew 19:5; Mark 10:7-8; I Corinthians 7:2). See also, Polygyny, below--Tolerands #46.

It has been a long standing Hebrew tradition to cloth the poor and naked (Job 22:5-7, 31:19-20; Matthew 25:35-36; James 2:15-16). Correspondingly, Nudity or deliberate Public Nakedness is held to be a great shame (Genesis 3:7-11; Ezekiel 23:25-27; Micah 1:8-11; Nahum 3:5; Revelations 3:18)! And as it encourages Adultery and other perversions, it should be held as a minor crime, like theivery (Leviticus 20:10-23; II Samuel 11:2-4). Now this is true for whether it is full Nudity or stark Nakedness (exposing the private parts) or indescent exposure and being skantily clad in Public (Genesis 38:15-16; Isaiah 58:7; John 21:7). However, there is no such prohibition between the private nakedness of husband and wife (Genesis 2:25), for this should be one of the joys of marriage (Proverbs 5:18-19). And, while not necessarily to be encouraged, the private showings of nakedness or semi-nakedness are to be tolerated in Our Realm. See also Showgirls, below--Tolerands #54.

see above, under Auto-Sexuality--Tolerands #3.

..42 ORAL SEX:
Despite its controversy, heterosexual forms of both fellatio (Song of Solomon 2:3) and cunnilingus (Song of Solomon 2:16, 4:6, 6:2) are found practiced in the Holy Scriptures, so those who chose this form of intimacy must be tolerated in Our Realm (Hebrews 13:4).

The Holy Scriptures set the Father up as the ruler of his family (Genesis 2:18, 3:16; Esther 1:22; Ephesians 5:22-23; Colossians 3:18; I Peter 3:1-6), for he is the representative and image of God to the Family. Consequently, his word in his family should be Law, so long as it does not conflict with any of the Laws of God, here, or in the Holy Scriptures! See also LAW-5.A FAMILY ORDER--Patriarchy.

The Holy Scriptures keep extensive lists of genealogy using the father's line or what is called patrilineal descent (Genesis 5:1-32, 10:1-32, 11:10-26, 25:1-6, 12-20; I Chronicles 1:1-9:1; Matthew 1:1-17). And, while it may be interesting to know your mother's descent, official records in Our Realm are to follow the Scriptural example and use the father's genealogy or patrilineage!

the practice of two or more men being married to two or more women (communal or group marriage) is strictly forbidden by the prohibition against Adultery! Moreover, polyandry or one woman having more than one husband is also strictly banned, thereby, as well!

While forbidden to the regular priests and clergy (I Timothy 3:2, 12; Titus 1:6), the practice of one man having more than one wife was widely used throughout the Holy Scriptures by the Ruling Class, the Nobility, and the Warriors (Genesis 4:19, 30:3-13; Exodus 21:10-11; Numbers 12:1 Judges 8:30-31). Consequently, it should be tolerated among them in Our Realm as well. However, it must be kept in mind that monogomay is to be considered the norm and God's ideal for the masses. (See Monogamy, above--Tolerands #39.) But, there may also be cases where it is desirable to pursue:

a) barreness of first wife (Genesis 16:1-3, 30:1-3; I Samuel 1:1-2);
b) to fulfill the brotherly obligation of the levirate marriage (Genesis 38:8; Deuteronomy 25:5-6; Ruth 3:11-13);
c) to help insure a fit heir to the throne (II Samuel 3:7, 5:13; II Chronicles 11:18-21); and
d) in the event of some disaster, where the male population has been considerably thinned--as in war.

Consequently, it ought to be tolerated in Our Realm (NOTE: However, be aware that polygyny is considered illegal in most States in America, so be advised of your own local laws.)

While the Religious Establishment is fixated on the missionary position (face to face, man on top), a great variety of alternative positions can be found in the Holy Scriptures, and, consequently, should be tolerated in Our Realm (Hebrews 13:4). Those of the verb "go into", "went into", or "prostitute" for general coitus (Genesis 16:4, 30:4; Leviticus 19:29, Ruth 4:13). Those of the verb "know" for face-to-face (Genesis 4:1; Song of Solomon 1:13; I Corinthians 13:12)--missionary position. Those of the verb "grind" for the female perch position (Job 31:10). Those of the verb "lay" for rearward coitus (Genesis 30:16, 34:2; Deuteronomy 22:22, 25, 28-29; Judges 16:1-3; I Samuel 2:22; II Samuel 11:4, 13:14)--and should be held distinct from sodomy! Those of the phrase "to spread the skirt" for bowing, rearward coitus (Ruth 3:9; Ezekiel 16:8). And of the verb "plow" for kneeling, rearward coitus (Judges 14:18). Moreover, we also find Presentations or positioning to invite coitus (Genesis 38:15-16; II Samuel 11:2-4). See also, LAW-7.B.12 SODOMY under General Adultery for clear distinctions.

In Hebrew Culture, it has long been considered moral and ethical to cloth the naked (see above) and by extension to conduct intimate sexual activities (and bathroom functions) in private. Consequently, the Right to Privacy to conduct romantic activities should be respected! See Voyeurism, below--Tolerands #55.

The Command to continue the human race, and especially the Peoples of God (Genesis 1:28, 9:1; Psalms 127:3-5; Proverbs 14:28; Jeremiah 29:6), is one of the strongest Commandments, taking priority even over other Commandments, such as the taboo on incest (Genesis 19:31-32)! Consequently, great liberty should be given to romantic activities, so long as they are to achieve reproduction. (See also Erotica, above--Tolerands #21.) Moreover, the Right to Reproduce should not be infringed--not for poverty (or welfare) nor for so called genetic defects or eugenics (for these may be cured in the future and why cut off a whole line that may become healthy later on)--yet only if a partner who is willing to join in that process can be found. And, God warns to beware for those who would limit the reproduction of others (Deuteronomy 23:1, 25:11-12)!

For an alternative to procreation, see Adoption (above).

While vigorously attacked by the Religious Establishment, providing heterosexual intercourse for hire has long been tolerated in Hebrew Culture. Consequently, it must also be allowed in limited, regulated amounts by Our Realm.

Whether from death or divorce, the individual's Right to Remarriage should not be infringed. However, there are various regulations on remarriage--in the Faith (Romans 7:2-3; I Corinthians 7:8-9. 39), of Priests (Leviticus 21:14; Ezekiel 44:22).

Unfortunatley, manipulating or sweet-talking a member of the opposite sex into having sex has long been recognized in Hebrew Culture as a tolerated form of Courtship (Exodus 22:16-17; Deuteronomy 22:28-29), especially if the other member has encouraged or just not resisted it. Consequently, the Right to Seduction must be allowed for marriage. However, care must be taken to distinguish it from Rape, see above, under General Adultery.

See under DIVORCE Article, following Tolerands Section.

While the Laws against Lasciviousness and Lewdness prohibit such activities on the streets and other Public Places (and especially in the Congregation), it must be conceded that the private perfomance of a variety of sensual showgirls is a long standing part of Hebrew Culture (Exodus 15:20-21; I Samuel 11:13; I Kings 1:1-4; Matthew 14:6; Mark 6:22)--for these are symbolic of Israel being God's showcase to the world (Jeremiah 31:4; Isaiah 61:10; Ezekiel 16:8-14). Moreover, while it may be a fitting career for immoral or loose women (as God's judgement upon them--Jeremiah 13:22, 26; Ezekiel 16:35-37; Nahum 5:4-6), who find obtaining marriage difficult, it is strictly forbidden for descent married women as this breaks the Adultery ban. Moreover, great care needs to be taken that it does not involve witchcraft or other perversions.

As the Right to Privacy is to be respected, those who like to watch others do it or spy out their nakedness (peeping toms) are a breach of the Law, and subject to punishment as a theif for stealing away one's human dignity! (Habakkuk 2:15) See also, Privacy, above--Tolerands #48.

..56 WEDLOCK: see above, under Marital States--Tolerands #36.

..57 WHOREDOM (Fallen Women):
While marriage is to be officially encouraged and approved of, it must also be conceded that loose women, who give it for free, are tolerated in the Scriptures (Luke 7:36-50)--and the men who associate with them, as long as they do so discretely and don't disrupt Our activities nor seek office. See also, Prostitution.

While younger widows (and by extension, divorce') are admonished to marry again (I Corinthians 7:9), and produce more children, older widows (beyond the days of fertility) may remain unmarried (I Corinthians 7:8), and even take up positions as church officials--deaconesses (I Timothy 5:9-11).

strictly forbidden! See details under LAW-7.B.14 WITCHCRAFT in General Adultery Section.

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Filed: 7-03-98 . . . Updated 12-14-00