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TOLERANDS - Our Bill of Romantic Rights

On the one hand, the modern Saducees would have us indulge in any and all of the perversions of the wicked world, while on the other hand, the modern Pharisees would destroy our love life and regulate it all away, except, perhaps, for a few couplings to produce children. Clearly, a balanced, healthy, and wholesome attitude is needed here. For, while we do want to keep people away from what God has forbidden, we do not want to rob them of the liberties that HE has given them to enjoy. Consequently, it was felt necessary to include this Bill of Romantic Rights to preserve the sexual liberty that God has granted us (and the Hebrew Community) through the Holy Scriptures.


Our Bill of Romantic Rights

In some case, God has provided for the free practice of some sexual activities, while in others, there are limitations or restrictions-- and in some, they are just forbidden. Therefore, it is important to know just where these lines fall (and what grey areas to stay out of), so that we will clearly know what God will allow or tolerate and what HE will not.

See ABORTION Article following Tolerands section.

The Command to Procreate and produce a Family takes a very high priority in the Holy Scriptures (see below--Tolderands #49). However, sometimes that goal is not directly obtainable for some couples, so the alternative of adoption is provided for in the Scriptures (Genesis 15:2-3, 16:2, 30:3-4), as, indeed, this is how we, as Believers, become the Children of God--through adoption (Romans 8:14-16; Galatians 4:5-7; Ephesians 1:5). See also, Disowning, below--Tolerands #16.

..3 AUTO-SEXUALITY (Masturbation):
While the Religious Establishment really gets upset at this practice, there is NO direct prohibition of it in the Holy Scriptures! Onanism, which is mistakenly held to be masturbation is in fact actually withdrawal or coitus interruptus (Genesis 38:9) and the sin causing his death was not procreating or continuing the Lineage of the Messiah (Genesis 38:8). Whereas, King David seems to have used it (I Samuel 21:13). Moreover, it was, no doubt, the secret sin that so many church fathers confessed to, in order to remain celibate to serve the Lord without the distractions of a wife (I Corinthians 7:32-35). Furthermore, the modern military parable that if your wife cannot be at your right hand, then let your right hand be your wife is far better than (and serves as a deterant to) immoral practices such as prostitution, or even worse, homosexuality in military camps! Therefore, it should be tolerated in Our Realm, for those who feel the need, so long as it does not get into Lasciviousness (public exposure) or other perversions, such as Mental Adultery. (However, if you find you are practicing it frequently, then it is time to seek a proper spouse!)

See COURTSHIP AND MATCHMAKING Article, following Tolerands Section.

..5 BIRTH REGULATION (Birth Control):
The Command to Procreate (Tolerands #49) encourages unrestricted reproduction, however given odd situtations and troubled times, there may be times when conception is not to be desired.

See COURTSHIP AND MATCHMAKING Article, following Tolerands Section.

While the Command to Procreate seems to fall upon all women (see Procreation, below--Tolerand #49), while they are fertile, some men receive the gift to be unmarried and not be tempted to sexual activities--and especially for those who may be Called of God for HIS service (Matthew 19:12; I Corinthians 7:32-33; Revelations 14:1-4).

While circumcision was used in God's covenant for the holy land (Genesis 17:10-14), this provision was only dispensational and is no longer needed in our times (Romans 4:8-12; I Corinthians 7:17-19; Galatians 5:6, 6:15) for now our spiritual circumcision of the heart is more important (Deuteronomy 10:16, 30:6; Jeremiah 4:4; Romans 2:25-29), with this being imputed to Belivers by Fath in Christ (Colossians 2:10-11).

See below, under Marital States--Tolerands #36.

See below, under Marital States--Tolerands #36.

See above, under Birth Regulation--Tolerands #5.

See COURTSHIP AND MATCHMAKING Article, following Tolerands Section.

While Transvestism or Cross-Dressing in Public is forbidden (see LAW-7.B.13), it is not inconceivable that while a husband and wife are intimate and sharing bodies that they might also share one another's clothing as well--in private. See also, Erotica, below--Tolerand #21.

..14 DANCE:
See DANCE Article, following Tolerands Section.

..15 DATING:
See COURTSHIP AND MATCHMAKING Article, following Tolerands Section.

While it is desirable to maintain the Family Bond and Unity, sometimes the child becomes so rebellious (or the parent wanders so from God) that it becomes justifiable to break the Family Bond (Deuteronomy 21:18-21). This may be done by either parent or child. However, reconcilliation might occur at a later date and the Family Bond be restored (Luke 15:11-24). See also Adoption, above--Tolerand #2.

See DIVORCE Article following Tolerands Section.

..18 DOWRY:
See COURTSHIP AND MATCHMAKING Article, following Tolerands Section.

See DRESS AND UNIFORM CODE Article, following Tolerands Section.

See COURTSHIP AND MATCHMAKING Article, following Tolerands Section.

The youth have no trouble being aroused for reproduction, but the older one gets the more stimulation it takes to achieve intercourse. Consequently, a certain toleration must be allowed of those things that help achieve reproduction.

See COURTSHIP AND MATCHMAKING Article, following Tolerands Section.

..23 FETISHES: see Erotica, above--Tolerands #21.

..24 GENEALOGY: see Patrilineage, below--Tolerands #44.

..25 HEREDITY (Eugenics): see below under Procreation--Tolderands #49.

..26 HARLOTRY: see Prostitution, below--Tolerands #50.

..27 INCEST: see LAW 7.B.5 INCEST under General Adultery, in previous Article.

..28 INDESCENT EXPOSURE: see under Nakedness, below--Tolderand #40.

The Pagans of the wicked world like to sacrifice their young children to idols, but this should not be done among God's People. Treat as murder--see LAW 6.A.2.G FETOCIDE under Murder.

See COURTSHIP AND MATCHMAKING Article, following Tolerands Section.

..32 LUST:
While some hold that the passion for romance or desire for sex (eros) is evil, it is found tolerated in the Holy Scriptures (Genesis 29:20, Judges 14:3-4), especially if it leads to procreation! (See Procreation, below.) However, some forms of lust or strong desire are warned against!

..33+ Continued on Next Article (Marriage, etc.):

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Filed: 7-02-98 . . . Updated 12-14-00