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ZDK Astarian Cultures - KoReY Revival Articles

[KoReY Futuristic Shield] [Cloud Castle (Admin) Shield]

KoReY'S Leader's Biographical Data

A Short History and Testimonial of Our Interstellar Director

God is Good to us beyond measure! And HIS Faithfulness exceeds the bounds of the Universe! For, the life of Our Leader is a living Testimony of God's goodness to us.

Marcus (Stardan) was born of the Shaddox Clan in the beautiful America's Fjord (the Columbia River Gorge) and became interested in the starry-heavens at a very early age!

Marco, M'StarDan (Morning Star Daniel)

From an early age, God gifted Stardan (Marcus) with intellectual skills and he has a long list of academic achievements. He obtained his own telescope and became an avid stargazer. And he won many notable awards in Science and Physics. Moreover, God provided him some of the best colleges in the Land, including Central Washington University, University of Washington, and University of Chicago. During these studies he obtained a BA in Family Studies, a BA.Ed. in Social Science Education, a MA.Ed in Educational Media (A/V Technologies), and the credit equivalent to a Ph.D!

From a God given dream on Variant Math, Stardan or Daniel has gone on to advanced work in astrophysics and developed the D'Stridium Theory, the D'Stridium G.U.T., the allied branch of D'Stronics, and a variety of other D'Stridium Technologies--concerning the TDPT (or Trans-Dimensional Particle Theory: see, Articles in the ZDK INSTITUTE LIBRARY for details on these.) Moreover, all of these have been commited to the ZDK Institute for achieving its goals--and those of KoReY Future Space Realm.

From an early age, Daniel has been very gifted and creative--and has written quite extensively (the Articles of this Web Site being a very good example). As a child, he developed an avid interest in Sci-Fi and has enjoyed such classics as Star Trek, Star Wars, Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, Battlestar Galatica, etc. Thus, this interest has prompted him to help develop this Web Site for the Sci-Fi Believers. In addition, concerning Interstellar Issues and some of the current controversy over Space he has written:

The Coming Energy Revolution - D'Stridium and Its Technologies

The Scriptural Prophecies of Mankind's Coming Interstellar Activities

The Presidential Report on RANI Subversive Activity in America

In earlier days, his parents had gone to church, but by the time he came around, they were out of the church going mode. Thus, being raised rather secularly, the Great Thinkers and World Philosophers were his early, primary mentors. (And Leonardo d'Vinci was looked on as his tutor.) Then...

  1. In '69, his grandfather introduced him to his Hebrew Heritage (Roots in Holy House).
  2. In the Spring of 1972, he was REGENERATED in the Jesus Freak Movement. (And, if you have not been born again, we recommend it to you--see Our Article on REGENERATION.)

  3. To get Our Article on KoReY REGENERATION (Click Here)!

  4. Shortly thereafter, he was Baptized in the Holy Ghost at a Chi Alpha House meeting. (And, if you have not received the Out Pouring, we recommend it, also--see Our Article on ENGIFTMENT.)

  5. To get Our Articles on KoReY ENGIFTMENT (Click Here)!

  6. In '85, as he set about to produce a Science Fiction Game, he stumbled across (or God led him to) the UNIVERSE or Kosmos being part of the Divine Commission of the Holy Scriptures--other mindboggling Interstellar Passages followed.
  7. In '92, attempting to sort out the meaning of all these things, he tried to put some of the KoReY concepts together, but in 93 turned to spend a lot of his time helping build the NORDESEL.
  8. Then, in '99, KoReY began to emerge as the dominate theme of the expanding ZDK Web Site...and here we are, today.
And now, the Interstellar Revival is on its way!!! COME, AND JOIN US.

The purpose of this Article (and of the whole Web Site) is so that you might make your own personal RETURN to God. And, whether you just need RENEWAL or full REGENERATION, we heartily encourage you to turn to Our Revival Course, and set your life afire for God! You can look the Revival Course up yourself, or use the handy link, below:

To get REVIVAL COURSE (Click Here): [Revival Course]

[Viking Ship Shield]


The pictures of many of Our Administrative Leaders (including Marcus) appear in the Photo Gallery of the ZDK Main Offices. You can access them at the SHADDOX KoNSVaRa (Viking Clan)

Don't forget--SMILE! (Shaddox Clan Humor is all over on those Pages!)

[ZDK Foundation Shield]


While you are looking at Our leadership, how would you like some details and explainations on Our Administrators? We only briefly covered some of it here. More details and facts in further depth are available, throughout the Web Site--if you are interested in knowing more of Our Leaders' stories (and varied talents). Now, to help you find all of these, the Main BIO Page in the ZDK Offices is the primary link to them all. So...
To get Our Directory of the ZDK MAIN BIO PAGE (Click Here)!

[K.R.Y. Interstellar Flag]

Further Contacts with KoReY:


Or, can't find what you are looking for? OR, have a comment or suggestion?

Then try the contact routes below:

E-MAIL us at: zdkf@gorge.net (Mark subject box KoReY LEADER!)

Our regular mailing address is:

KoReY Leader Biographies
ZDK (Shaddox) Conflux
P.O. Box 44
Underwood, WA 98651 U.S.A.

Our phone number is: (509) 493-1674


Use of KoReY or K.R.Y. Articles (or other Literature from this Site) is RESTRICTED. If you would like to use it in your Home Study (or Congregational Courses) or hand it out on the street in your witnessing, be sure to contact us BEFORE you do so. Authorization may be given for you to use it. But, it must not be assumed that it is free and clear for you to use in any way you chose. Note the copyright message, below.
NAVIGATION BAR (Interstellazr Portals):

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COPYRIGHT 1999, 2001 (Net) by Daniel Shaddox. All rights reserved.

TRADNAMES: Appiru, Astaria, AhQo, D'Stridium, D'Stronics, Emuspatel, F.A.R., Gahtsk, Jelonics, K.R.Y. or KoReY, KUFOL, Meshianites, Nartan, Nordanity, Nordesel, TAD, TDPT, Variant Math, and ZDK are all trademarks of Daniel Shaddox.

SHIELDS: all heraldric shields (buttons), graphics, and artworks in this Web Site are ALL copyrighted logos of Daniel Shaddox.

None of these (nor any Articles from this Web Site) may be reproduced nor duplicated without written permission, except as downloads for your own individual (personal) reading OR as recognized agents of ZDK (be sure your activities with others using our materials are properly registered with us!).


The Media Division of the ZDK (Shaddox) Foundation, P.O. Box 44, Underwood, WA 98651 U.S.A.

Phone: (509) 493-1674

E-Mail us at: zdkf@gorge.net

Dated: 6-19-99. . . Up-dated 12-26-01