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Astaria Cultural Program - Nordic Outreach

[Nordic Peoples Shield]


Our Modern Nordic RETURN:

Northmen Renewal to the Cultural Heritage of Nordic Christianity


Welcome! Come on in! Visit Our NORDIC RETURN (the Northern ShuVaH). Experience Our Northmen Renewal. Feel the power of real Nordic Christianity! Let God change your life!

So, come! Find your Nordic Heritage, here! Gather with the Northern Peoples of God (GahTSK or Goths) in your own Northern Nation:

[Vinlanders (American Northmen) Flag]

[Norman (French Northmen) Flag] [Irish (Northmen) Flag] [Scottish (Northmen) Flag] [British (Anglo/Saxons) Flag] [Wendsk (Baltic-Polish Northmen) Flag] [Tysk or Germanic (Saxon Northmen) Flag]

[Danish Flag--Jutes] [Swedish Flag] [Norwegian Flag--Angles] [Finnish Flag] [Icelandic Flag] [Varangian (Russian Northmen) Flag]

[NORDESEL Unity Flag]

So, don't miss it! Get in on all the fun--and excitement! (This could well be just the thing that your heart has been searching for, all along!) Now, just sit back! And relax! Make yourself at home. And, let us present to you, here, the best of this Nordic RETURN (and its Judeo-Christian Faith)!

NORDESEL Web Site Directory

The NORDESEL (or modern Northern Peoples of God) has many Programs and Services. To access these, click on the Links below (or click on the round VIKING SHIELDS at the top or bottom of the Page):

[Revival Flame Shield] 1. REVIVAL COURSE--The 6 plain, simple steps to setting your life afire for God (Theology in a nutshell: Spiritual Rebith or Salvation, Charismatics or Petecostals--Engiftment, Guidance by God's Laws, etc.) Come and make your own personal RETURN to God! (Revival Chapel lessons.) ***


[Viking Revival Shield] 2. VIKING INTRO. LIT.--Our Quick Facts Sheets on Vikings (and Our Viking Revival). Get the simple, basic facts on what the NORTHMEN Movement is all about (and join the other descendants of the Vikings in their RETURN to God) ***


[NORDESEL Unity Shield] 3. NORTHMEN ARTICLES--Our detailed literature on the NORTHMEN Movement (and the Nordic Renewal forming Our Realm) Delve into the Northmen History and Heritage (and come to grips with the Culture of your ancestors--and its Nordic Christianity) ***


[Information Age (Sun) Shield] 4.ABOUT THE NORDESEL--The brief details and easy descriptions of Us--a simple overview of what the NORDESEL (or modern Northern Peoples of God) is all about ***


[Historical Literature Shield] 5. NORDESEL F.A.Q.s--Answers to the questions commonly asked about Us (and Our NORTHMEN Realm). Includes replies to common criticisms and complaints (cheap shots?) that often get slung Our way (*** PG-13 ***). ***


[ZDK Library - North Tower] 6. LIBRARY (North Tower)--Special Collections on Northmen, Vikings, Scandinavians, and the Nordic Culture, History, and Heritage [transfer to the ZDK Media and Information Center--under construction] ***


[Realm Herald (Intros) Shield] 7. REALM HERALD--News, Notes, Introductions Meeting Places, Guest Book, Messages, Calendar, Referrals to other Sites (Our fellowship facilitator) (under construction) **


[K.I.C. Shield] 8. AMERICA'S FJORD--Photo tour of some scenes in the Columbia River Gorge (National Scenic Area and growing tourist trap for Nordics) And homeland of the NORTHMEN Renewal ***


[Cloud Castle (Admin) Shield] 9. SHADDOX KoNSVaRa--The Shaddox Viking Clan (and main administrators of Our Foundation) Photos of Our Leaders and links to biographical details about them. (Meet Our Administration!) ***


[Revival Chapel Shield] 10. REVIVAL CHAPEL--get info here on Our Northmen Pentecostals and Charismatics and their Teachings on the Judeo-Christian Faith (and especially its Nordic Christianity that built up the Northern Peoples) Catch the Wave of the New Move of God and its dramatic Nordic Outpouring! ***


[Scandia Faith (Cross) Shield] 11. VIKING LITERATURE -- Our famous Viking Quick Facts Sheets: with short, brief notes and facts about the Northmen (overview of the Nordic Culture of the Vkings that laid the Foundation for most of Northern European Society) ***


[Fruitful Vine Shield] 12. NORDIC Z-MALL -- Northmen Market Place, filled with Nordic Trade items (Shop the Universe and like the Viking Traders of old, find the best bargain that the Globe has to offer!) Say you saw it in the Nordic Z-Mall! ***


[AstrilanZ Galatic Shield] 13. ASTARIA DIRECTORY -- Our Ministry of Culture's Home Page and Directory to the various Cultural Outreach Programs of ZDK.F. (Find out how the Northmen influnces many other Peoples around the Globe.)



Pardon our dust, but the Nordic RETURN Web Site is in the process of expanding and moving (and up-grading) some of its resources. So, we are in the process of considerably changing many things! Please have patience. If what you want is not yet there and functioning, please check back in a few more days. It is coming!

* Those items marked with a single star are in planning, so it may be a bit before they get out to you on the Net.
** Those items marked with double stars are in development. We are working on them, so they should be available on the Net in a few days.
***Those items marked with tripple stars should now be on the Net and functioning as a Link from this Page. If you have trouble getting there (or at that Page), please let us know. (However, Individual Pages from there, or linked from there, may still be in progress.) Otherwise, kindly hang in there. We will get it out on the Internet as soon as we can. THANKS!

[Scandia Faith Shield]


Yes, the Nordic Renaissance or Rebirth is here! For the Ancient Nordic Christianity that laid the foundation for the Northern Europe Religion (and Culture) is Reviving! And this powerful God-fearing Heritage of the Northern Peoples will have its impact, today, too. For, in their heyday, not only did the Ancient Northmen accept the traditional Judeo-Christian Faith, they spread it all over Europe, (where it became the foundation for the Mediavel World) and laid the groundwork for the Nordic Christianity of the common People (who then came to eventually accept Catholcism, but later on were fertile soil for the Protestant Reformation) And, now, is open once again to Our Northmen Renewal, today! What a Heritage we have!

So, feel the flow! And follow the other Nordics in their NORTHMEN RENEWAL back to God (with us). The NORDIC RETURN, or ShuVaH of the Northern Nations and Nordic Peoples, is here! (Jeremiah 16:14-15)

[Spiritual Engiftment Shield]

Our Charismatics and Pentecostals of the Northern Judeo-Christian Faith

Mediterranean or Southern Christianity tended to focus on its Gentile Culture and Heritage. But, Nordic Christianity tended to value its Hebrew Heritage (and Jewish Roots) from which it sprung. Consequently, their teachings seem to be more of a Judeo-Christian Faith, than straight Gentile christianity. (Other Articles in Our Site will go into greater details on this mysterious Messianic (Jewish-Christian) thread, that seems to run throughout Nordic History and Heritage, with its own brand of Nordic Christianity.)

Furthermore, Nordic Christianity seems to also focus more on the miracles of God--and the wonderous works done by the Apostles. Consequently, modern Charismatics and Pentecostals are often found on the fore-front of Our Northern Renewal and Nordic RETURN. And also seem to be quite popular with the Nordic Peoples, themsleves, with their own claims of modern miracles, today. (So, to help understand their activities and views, we have several other Articles in this Web Site on their Teachings.)

Now, come, and dig into your Heruitage! Read the materials and literature that we have! (Many will appeal to you!) And catch the Wve of this new Move of God's Spirit among the Nordic Peoples, today!

[Nordic Z-Mall]


Support those who support us!

Visit their Nordic and Viking establishments in Our N-Mall (the famous Northern E-Mall). Click on portal (at left).

And please tell them that you saw it in the Nordic Z-Mall!


Looking for Further Contacts with NORDESEL:

(Get to Know Us Better!!!)


OR, Can't find what you are looking for? OR, have a comment or suggestion?

Then try the contact routes below:

E-MAIL us at: zdkf@gorge.net (Please, mark subject box NORDESEL!)

Our regular mailing address is:

ZDK (Shaddox) Foundation
P.O. Box 44
Underwood, WA 98651 U.S.A.

Our phone number is: (509) 493-1674


Use of NORTHMEN Articles (or other Literature from this Site) is RESTRICTED. If you would like to use it in your Home Study (or Congregational Courses) or hand it out on the street in your witnessing, be sure to contact us BEFORE you do so. Authorization may be given for you to use it. But, it must not be assumed that it is free and clear for you to use in any way you chose. Note the copyright message, below.
Navigation Bar (Rounds Shields or Portals):

[Astaria Cultural Directory (ZDK Link)] [Northmen Intermediate Articles] [Viking Quick Facts Sheets] [E-Mail Input] [Revival Courses] [Realm Herald (Fellowship)] [NORDESEL Portal (Astaria Link)]

COPYRIGHT 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 (Net) by Daniel Shaddox. All rights reserved.

TRADENAMES: Appiru, Astaria, D'Stridium, D'Stronics, F.A.R., Emuspatel, Gahtsk, K.R.Y. or KoReY, KUFOL, Meshianites, Nartan, Nordanity, Nordesel, TAD, TDPT, and ZDK are all trademarks of Daniel Shaddox.

GRAPHICS: Shields, buttons, and artworks in this Web Site are all also copyrighted logos of Daniel Shaddox.

No unauthorized duplication!

The Media Division of the ZDK (Shaddox) Foundation, P.O. Box 44, Underwood, WA 98651 U.S.A.

RATINGS? Most Pages in this Web Site are rated G. (Those that are PG or PG-13 will be indicated as you get to them--in the University or Library!) No x or r rated materials will be filed in this Web Site!

Filed: 02-24-98 . . . Updated 03-17-01