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About The APPIRU

Descriptive Details Of The Ishmaelite Return

GREATINGS in the Mighty and Wonderful Name of God! We are most pleased that you want to know a little bit about us? OK! Settle in and make yourself comfortable. We want you to feel at home amongst us! And become part of Our Family. (And by the way, APPIRU is pronounced as: app-ah-roo. And, yes, it is Ancient Egyptian, meaning Hebrew Egyptians.)
[APPIRU Shield]

The APPIRU Shield

One of the common icons or symbols that you will see in Our Web Site is the APPIRU Shield. This pictures the Desert Date Palm on a bleak Desert wasteland. This is held to be very symbolic of True Believers, for they are to grow and be strong (and bear fruit) even in the most difficult of environments--pleasantly and calmly accepting their Fate at the Hand of God (submission). And, it is truely a symbol that all of us from the Middle East can relate to!

Overview of The APPIRU

The APPIRU (literally, Egyptian Hebrew) centers on the RETURN of the Ishmaelites (Descendants of Abraham through Ishmael) to the One True God in Our Days. And the Unity of these Revived Peoples with the the rest of Abraham's Family--bringing ALL the Hebrew Peoples together (Isaiah 19:24-25)

The APPIRU participate in other ZDK Cultural Outreaches, for we attempt to promote understanding and mutual cooperation among ALL the Descendants of Abraham (Jews, Christians, and Muslims), for they form the Hebrew Peoples that God so desparately wants to RETURN to HIM, in what we call the Tri-Unity of the Faithful.

To get more on KRY TRI-UNITY (Click Here):

Consequently, WE foster submission to God's Will (and HIS Divine Culture, such as is found in the Islamic (and Judeo-Christian) Heritage, which was clearly expressed in the concepts of the Mediavel World--especially among the Varangians (Eastern Russian "Christian" Vikings) and the Crusader States, where Jews, Christians, and Muslims (the Hebrew Peoples--and Descendants of Abraham) learned to live together in PEACE. (And no small miracle, considering the past and present conflicts between these brothers of the Faith!) To get more on this Divine Culture and how to Intergrate it, see Our ZDK Library.

To get ZDK LIBRARY - East Tower (Click Here):

In so doing, WE also promote the Laws of God (the Divine Principles and Teachings), as found in the Holy Scriptures, which are the source of Divine Culture--the source that gave birth to the Islamic World (similiar Sharia) and the Mediavel World. For, when these Hebrew Peoples followed God and HIS Ways, they prospered and rose in power and influence--but when they turned from God, they waned and became poor and powerless (Proverbs 14:34; Isaiah 60:12). To get more on Our Holy Law, see Our Law Library.

To get LAW LIBRARY (Click Here):

Consequently, we strongly spread the APPIRU Revival or Renewal of ALL the Hebrew Peoples (the RETURN or ShuVaH of Our Times), which aims to bring back ALL The Descendants of Abraham to God and His Ways. And, especially those that are Muslim or Islamic, for they are of the important Heritage of Ishmael!

In doing this, we teach the Full Gospel (with 2 parts) of 1) the Blood Atonement of Isse (Jesus) on the Tree (Cross), and 2) the giving of the Gifts by the Holy Ghost. And these with 3) the obedience to God's Laws and submission (Islam) to HIS Will.


The APPIRU are also extensively involved in various projects of the ZDK Realm. And we especially like to encourage the Revival of Belief in the One True God (monotheism). And the spreading of the FAITH that was begun by Abraham.

To get Our REVIVAL COURSE (Click Here): [Revival Course]



For now, APPIRU is but a Cultural Religious Organization (a Spiritual Realm), under the Parent Organization of the ZDK (Shaddox) Foundation. However, WE look forward to the Prophesied Future, when WE shall become a Nation out among the Stars--an Interstellar Empire (see KRY). But, for now we must be content to be but a Religious Realm. And, Our Flag represents typical Ishmaelite Culture.

The GREEN flag represents the hopes of ALL the Middle Eastern Peoples for a prosperous and flourishing land (in the Future). The bright Morning Star represents Our hopes for the Great Redeemer (Isa al-Massih) and HIS work of Enlightenment in our lives (the rising Daystar). The Crescent Moon represents the Peoples of God, who reflect HIS Holy and Sacrid Light so that others may be touched by HIS Power, and come to know HIM, and submit to HIS Will.

For more details about Our Future, get Our Articles on KRY--where all the Tribes of Abraham's Descendants (TAD) will be United, and work together in understanding and mutual co-operation.

To get Our Future KRY - Astaria (Click Here):

KRY Motto:

[Messianic Flag] [Nordesel Flag] [Appiru Flag] [KRY Flag]


(The Tri-Unity of the Faithful)

Need More Info About The APPIRU?

Then try Our FAQS (answers to Frequently Asked Questions), below:
APPIRU FAQS--Answers to the common questions asked about US (and Our Realm)

Further Contacts:

Joining us? Can't find what you are looking for? OR, have a comment or suggestion? Then try the contact routes below:

E-MAIL us at: zdkf@gorge.net (Please, mark subject box APPIRU!)

Our regular mailing address is:

Shaddox APPIRU Questions
P.O. Box 44
Underwood, WA 98651 U.S.A.

Our phone number is: (509) 493-1674


Use of APPIRU Articles (or other Literature from this Site) is RESTRICTED. If you would like to use it in your Home Study (or Congregational Courses) or hand it out on the street in your witnessing, be sure to contact us BEFORE you do so. Authorization may be given for you to use it. But, it must not be assumed that it is free and clear for you to use in any way you chose. Note the copyright message, below.
[APPIRU Home Page] [Realm Revival Course] [LIBRARY - East Tower] [E-Mail Input] [Great Redeemer's Appearance] [APPIRU FAQS] [APPIRU Intro Lit]

COPYRIGHT 1999 (Net) by Daniel Shaddox. All rights reserved.
Astaria, Emuspatel, Gahtsk, KRY, KUFOL, Meshianites, Nartan, Nordanity, Nordesel, TAD, and ZDK are all trademarks of Daniel Shaddox.

ZDK Shield, KRY Star, Messianic Star, Enlighment Book, and the Revival Flame are all also copyrighted logos of Daniel Shaddox.

None of these may be reproduced nor duplicated without written permission, except as downloads for your own individual (personal) use OR as recognized agents of ZDK (be sure your activities with others using our materials are properly registered with us!).

Most materials filed in this Web are G (for General Audiances). Some materials filed in the Library or University may be PG or even PG-13, mainly because of intellectual and philosophical content. (These should be marked as you get to them.)

The Media Division of the ZDK (Shaddox) Foundation, P.O. Box 44, Underwood, WA 98651 U.S.A.

Phone: 509) 493-1674

E Mail us at: zdkf@gorge.net

Filed: 6-24-99 . . . Updated 7-15-99