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ZDK ASTARIA Cultural Program - Emuspatel (Messianics)

[Messianic (Jewish-Christian) Shield] [Jewish Literature Shield]

EMUSPATEL Introductory Literature:

Our Meshianite Return and Abrahamic Faith

JUDEO-CHRISTIAN TEACHINGS on Messianics and Future Israel--ShuVaH

As the Holy Scriptures declare: "THOU (God) shall arise and have mercy on Zion; For the Time to favor her, yeah the set Time, is come!" (Psalms 102:13)

And, what a sign from God we have of HIS favor, with first the Zionist Movement (1890s), then the establishment of the Jewish State of Israel in the Holy Land (1948), and followed by the Jewish recapture of the Holy City of Jerusalem (1967)--wich was a very spiritually significant event (Luke 21:24). So, without question, we are living in the Days of the Messianics--and the Meshianite Return! To learn more about Spiritual Movement. And how this Revival is affecting the Jewish Community (and ALL the Peoples of the Abrahamic Faith) world wide, read some of the Articles that we offer, below.

[Messianic Flag]

EMUSPATEL Literature Directory

EMUSPATEL has many Articles and Literature regarding the concepts of the Meshianite Return. To access these, click on the Links below (or click on the round SHIELDS at the top or bottom of this Page):

[Realm News Shield] 1. THE MESSIAH'S MESSAGE -- The plain, simple steps of ShuVaH (making your own personal RETURN to G-D), according to the Message of the Messiah (Y'Shua Hah-MaSheyaKh): coming to an acceptance of G-D's permenant, blood sacrifice of a special Passover Lamb--so that we don't need the Temple sacrifices any more.

[ZDK Menorah Shield] 2. POWER FROM ON HIGH -- Jewish Mysticism and the Pentecostal Experience? Hebrew Mystics have long known of the deep supernatural knowledge of Jewish teachings. Now, learn about the modern Charismatic Gifts, and how G-D can now give spirtual power to Believers to work supernatural wonders for HIM.

[Holy Scriptures Shield] 3. ToRaH, ToReL, or TaNaCh??? -- As G-D's People, We are Called (CHOSEN) to Obey God and follow HIS LAWS! Consequently, here is a short summary of the ToReL or God's Law: a brief review of the LAW (based on the 10 Commandments), plus a short discussion of the controversies over God's Law (i.e. Will the Real Law of G-D Please Stand Up!)

[Praying Hands Shield] 4. PRAYER -- Our Revival Course Lesson on talking with G-D and getting to be HIS Friend (like Abraham). Get into this deep spiritual growth! [Transfer to Revival Chapel and other Judeo-Christian Courses]

[Fig Tree (Prosperity) Shield] 5. IS EMUSPATEL JEWISH -- Review of the discussion on Our Roots and Cultural Orientation (Assimilation?); as well as the debate over that age old question: WHAT IS A JEW, and the various answers to it! (And a comparison of Our observance practices.)

[Word of G-D Shield] 6. Sh'MaH... (Love HaSheM!) -- The Foundation of ALL Abrahamic Faith (and center of the Beliefs of the Hebrew Peoples): Our Realm's Prime Directive! (Also, considered the First and Foremost Commandment!)
[Lampstand Media Shield] 7. KEEPING THE CALENDAR -- The Mo'ads or MohaDDeyM (Appointed Times) or Seasons of Joy: The Hebrew Holidays (and Their Spiritual Significance, even for Our Days): And G-D's Command to celebrate them (and observe the Sabbath or Shabbot)!

[Abrahamic Faith (Stars) Shield] 8. THE HEBREW MAZZAROTH!!! -- Mindboggling Ancient Mystery! Explains the Ancient Hebrew Constellations (and major Star groups) and their Spiritual significance--clearly showing the Hand of a Creator in forming the Universe (Not just a Hebrew Zodiac!) [Plus, get a Prophetic Peek at the Coming Israel of Outer Space?]

[Jewish Literature Shield] 9. NOAHIC RULES OF FELLOWSHIP -- Review of those Ancient Conditions of Noah's Covenant (and the traditional standards for acceptance by the Hebrew Community into their Fellowship): Thus, the rules for qualifying for Fellowship in Our Realm. [Transfer to ZDK Law Library]

[Divine Law Shield] 10. DIVINE LAW LIBRARY -- a New, Extensive Recodification of the ToReL or God's LAW from the Holy Scriptures (TaNaCh)--based on the 10 Commandments and their related Passages (even integrating Old and New Testaments). [Transfer to Our Law Library]

[I-Fleet Shield] 11. PROJECT SIGN -- At Israel's declaration in 1948, President Harry Trum look in the Scriptures and found that it was G-D's Will for Israel to RETURN. But, what else did he find about Israel? And what was (is) this PROJECT SIGN of his? (An Israel in Outer Space?) [Transfer to KUFOL Pages]

[KoReY Futuristic Shield] 12. FUTURE ISAREL -- Prophecies from the Scriptures show that G-D Plans a Future Israel out among the Stars! Learn of this amazing Prophecies, plus all the other factors now operation to make it a reality (perhaps in our days?). [Transfer to KoReY - Our Future Space Realm]

[ZDK Library Shield] 13. LIBRARY - West Tower -- Special Collections on Jewish, Hebrew, and Middle Eastern Peoples (and the Heritage and Culture of Abraham's Descendants) [Transfer to the ZDK Media and Information Center] (** in development **)

[Shaddox Clan Shield] 14. FOUNDER'S BIO -- The Testimonial and Brief Jewish Biography of Our Leader (See how all of Our MASSIVE System and Organization got started through him.)

[KoReY Tri-Unity Shield] 15. TRI-UNITY OF THE FAITHFUL -- Our overall FUTURE goal of bringing understanding, mutual cooperation, and Unity to ALL the Descendants of Abraham (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) in Our coming Realm of KoReY (No minor miracle!)

[Infomation Age (Sun) Shield]


Well, the Literature above is rather lengthy and detailed on Our Judeo-Christian Teachings. So, if you just want a short, condensed version on Our Messianics (Jewish-Christians), try the Article ABOUT EMUSPATEL, below:
ABOUT EMUSPATEL -- Brief description and simple overview of what WE are all about

OR, consider Our short answers Article:

EMUSPATEL F.A.Q.s -- Brief answers to the Frequently Asked Questions of Us (and Our Realm) [*** PG ***]

[Messianic Flag]

Further Contacts with Emuspatel:

Joining us?

Or, can't find what you are looking for? OR, have a comment or suggestion?

Then try the normal contact routes below:

E-MAIL us at: zdkf@gorge.net zdkf@gorge.net (Please, mark subject box EMUSPATEL LITERATURE!)

Our regular mailing address is:

Emuspatel Literature
ZDK (Shaddox) Foundation
P.O. Box 44
Underwood, WA 98651 U.S.A.

Our phone number is: (509) 493-1674


Use of EMUSPATEL Articles (or other Literature from this Site) is RESTRICTED. If you would like to use it in your Home Study (or Congregational Courses) or hand it out on the street in your witnessing, be sure to contact us BEFORE you do so. Authorization may be given for you to use it. But, it must not be assumed that it is free and clear for you to use in any way you chose. Note the copyright message, below.

[Fruit Shield]


Would you even just think about contributing, something, to Our Cause? Then, please consult Our Page on Giving: ZDK DONATIONS PAGE.

How about volunteering some of your time?

Well, yes, we do live in a supernatural world. And the blessings that come from giving are no accident! To better understand this amazing process, consult Our Article on the MYSTERIES OF GIVING.

May ADoNai bless your other Fruits for your kind support of us!

BaRuCh HaSheM!

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COPYRIGHT 1999, 2001, 2002 (Net), 2000 by Daniel Shaddox. All rights reserved.

TRADENAMES: AhQo, Appiru, Astaria, D'Stridium, D'Stronics, F.A.R., Emuspatel, Gahtsk, K.R.Y. or KoReY, KUFOL, Meshianites, Nartan, Nordanity, Nordesel, TAD, TDPT, and ZDK are all trademarks of Daniel Shaddox.

GRAPHICS: Shields, buttons, and artworks in this Web Site are all also copyrighted logos of Daniel Shaddox.

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The Media Division of the ZDK (Shaddox) Foundation, P.O. Box 44, Underwood, WA 98651 U.S.A.

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Filed: 6-7-99 . . . Updated 02-28-02